Tuesday, 28 September 2010


Before i start my post please can I just take this oppertuity to say that I am very sorry for not keeping up with my posts my computer has not been working properly and it doesn't always let me on but I think that I have sorted it now so things will start to pick up. Thank you.

Through growing up I have had a lot of people children young and old, the reason I call them children is because that is what they are, I have been called many names some of which are not too pleasent to put on line but there is one story that I will tell you that really did change my life.

I was in reseption (or if you are in America Kindergarden) in the stage of still been quite chubby, when this girl in my class called me a "fat fairy", now those words will forever more burn in my mind, but it was not the name that changed my life it was what happened after wards. I had decided that I no longer wanted to be a diabetic I wanted to be a normal little girl, who could do normal things with her friends, so I devised a plan or action for getting rid of my diabetes.

I had decided to stop taking my medication and I would eat what I want when I want and not care of what happens because I thought it would have enough of me not doing the right things and that it would just go away and leave me alone, but what came next was not what I was hoping for. I became very ill, so much infact I went into a three hour coma, it was at this point when the doctors told me that I could have died and that broke my heart because it wasn't me I was worried about it was my mum the things that i would have put her through.

The final straw was when I went to the bathroom for a bath and I looked in the mirror and I looked barely hunman anymore. This was the point that I said no more, I changed my life around, and I pulled myself through. The way I did this was to find the one thing that makes me happy and have that one thing to look forward to, for me it was listening to my music and my favourite band "Adam and the Ants" which I know is before my time but it was the one place that i felt that it was the one place they couldn't get me.

So my final words are this:
-find the place where you feel safe
-remember your family and how it affects them
-the children are not worth your life
-And if you ever want to talk I am here and if you don't want to do it on her you know my email to get in contact with me, I mean it though.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

dealing with kids at schooll.

I think this one is mainly for parents of a young person with diabetes.
The problems i had with people (children) at school started of  with the teachers treating me differently, i know i some instances they had too but doesn't mean they can do it all the time, this is when the other children started to notice i was different to them.
in nursery we always got given sweets and then it would come to my turn of having some and then the teacher would say "sorry Nichole you can't have this" as a child this is heart breaking and the teachers would never understand why, this is why I'm going to tell you, you see for a child of say 5/6 it is really hard for them to sit there and watch their friends eat something they desire the most. I would suggest that when you young child well any age really that you take the teacher to one side and ask them that if they are ever giving out rewards of sweets if they would mind it if they gave your child a biscuit, I know it sounds daft but all teachers have them in the staff cantine, and this way your child yes still will looked different but not as different as sitting there with nothing watching there friends. Trust me I know how it feels.
Another instance in which I found a problem though growing up was that i would have to test in front of my class mates and then they would  stare at me. again ask the teacher if they would mind if your son/daughter would be allowed to when they test to take it to the toilet with them to do it out of the way and in priversy this way there self esteem will be higher and they may not feel as bad and after a while of doing this, you could start to introduce them to testing in front of people but start it when they are with you so that you can encourage them and say that it's OK and just smile and try to make it positive for them. they will come around to it.
If you have any questions please leave a comment and i will clear it all up.
Hope things are easier for you

Friday, 17 September 2010


My name is Nichole Taylor I am now 17 but was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was only 3 1/2 years old as I was growing up it was hard, because no one really understood what I was going through so I decided to start writing this blog for either new or existing diabetics so that they know some of the situations I have been in and if they relate to them then they know how to handle it, may be then we can try and reduce the number of diabetic going into depresion because no one is there for them. for the first month I will be posting every two days with past stories and then after that it will be a weekly thing. well thank you and and I hope I can help you.