Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Handleing Weight

This post is all about how to control your weight, this post is leading on from the "Fat Fairy" story.

As you know I was called a "Fat Fairy" which changed my life forever, but what I never discussed was the reason why I ever became that large and how long it lasted. It ha only been in recent years after looking through old family photos that I understand that I was always a very chubby baby, it wasn't because my family were not feeding me correctly but because it was the start of my Diabetes.

Were as my sister lost most of her weight during the symptoms, I went the other way I put it on and I put a lot on, and I kept it on for a long time, it was tough growing up being as big as what I was, all my friends been as small as what they were but I learned to cope with what they were saying by telling myself that it will all come off soon.

When I got to the age of 8 I was at my largest but I decided that it was time to shift the weight myself so I started walking everywhere and I exercised a lot and the weight started to slowly come away and when I reached High School that is when it all came off and I started to feel more "at one" with my body.

The way I was able to get through this problem by having my family there with me and talking about it, my final word on this is that if you need someone to talk to and you feel you cannot talk to an adult email me on and I will help you through it.

My next post will be on relationships.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


This is just to inform my followers the due to going through some very hard family problems at the moment my blog will not be updated until the problems have been sorted out.

I am sorry if this has inconvenienced people and I hope that I will be back on soon.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Sunny D

This post is about the Sunny Delight drink that learnt me to literally started to make me watch what I drink.

I started three days before Farthers Day, my mum and dad decided to let me and my sisters try a new healthier drink to have with our snacks. My sisters did not like the new drink that was called Sunny D but I loved it I coulod drink it by the boat loads so every time I had a snack or a full meal I would have some.

Over the next two days my body started to shut down slowly and I ended up going into hospital and no one could figure out what it was that was happening to me it baffled every one and every one was very concered about my well being at first my mum and the experts thought it was the Skips that I was eating for a new snack as well but that is only because I jave never had any problems with drinks before well never with anything that had fruit in it, like fresh orange juice.

After having three days been in hospital, again hooked up to machines again they let me go home and whilst in the hospital I doid not have any skips or any off the Sunny D for a few days I did not have them at home either but that was mainly because I did not want any. On the 5th day I had some.... well I had a fair bit if I was honest with myself, and once again I was back in the hospital, the hospital was once again baffled and they told me and my mum to run through every thing that I had eaten in the past 24 hours so we did and the only two things that came up on both occations was the Sunny D and the Skips so they deviced a plan to see if that was it.

They decided to give me both of them on seperat occations and see if my blood sugars went up in the space of time of 20 mins, and low and behold it was the Sunny D. So after they figured out what it was they sat the family down and told us how to tell whether or not something is good for us, so I am going to tell you.

When you are looking at the back of some thing at the contens of the product if the carbohydrates and the of which sugars section are the same no matter how low you still must not have it but if the of which sugars part is half of or even more then it is safe. You see i had to learn the hard way but I hope that after reading my post you will know what to look for.

Thank you for reading,
Read next week when I talk about Diabetes and keeping control of your weight.