Seasons greeting to all of my viewers, its that time again when I produce a special for my Blog that anyone can read to have a better understanding of what to do. This time it's the holiday that everyone looks forward to and even though the grown ups say they don't you know they do. Yes it's christmas day!
Christmas has always been a fun time for me and my family, but the first thing we always had to think of growing up was my diabetes, for as far back as I can remember my mum has always tried to make a game of christmas morning even when I was very little. For example as diabetics have to eat frequently we all always had our breakfast before touching the presents under the tree, mum would always let us have something light though like weatabix which are full of the carbohydrates that you need to start the day but are also very quick to eat so the more time you can have opening your gifts.
When it comes to lunch time and you see that beautiful spread of food on the table or the mountain on your plate, you will probably be thinking “What do I give for that?” And the answer is simple, in this situation what I do is calculate enough for 6 units and give it in stages that way you are not committed to eating the whole thing and you will not end up making yourself sick and you will not end up ruining the rest of your day.
Now, when it comes to the night time (this is more for the adults) when you are having a drink be it wine or beer make sure you have some thing with carbohydrates in so that everything will balance out to give a less likely chance of your blood sugars going out of control and you can enjoy yourself more.
Lastly from me have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, my next post will be in 2 weeks as it is the holidays and my next post will be on something no one looks forward to and that is being ill and how to handel your blood sugar levels and how to have fun when you are really ill.
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