Tuesday 21 February 2012

Depression with Diabetes.

This is something that both me and my sister have been through with our diabetes and it is a natural part of been diabetic it is one of the disadvantages of having this condition. I do not mind though because it is something that I will grow out of and everyone who gets it will grow out of it as well.

It is something that we all go through and it comes on with the stresses and strains of Diabetes. It can also be caused by if you are having stresses of everyday life on top of everything else. I know that depression is a big word and can sometimes be scary to think about, so here is a list of the symptomes that is assosiated with Diabetes:
  • Persistent sadness or anxiety, a feeling of hollowness

  • An overriding feeling of hopelessness and negativity

  • Feeling helpless and powerless to change your situation

  • Loss of interest in activities or pleasures

  • Lower energy and increased fatigue

  • Insomnia, oversleeping, awakening early in the morning

  • Concentration problems, memory problems and indecisiveness

  • Dwelling on death or suicide

  • Restlessness

  • Weight change and decreased or increased appetite

  • (http://www.diabetes.co.uk/diabetes-and-depression.html) I have put this here so that you can have a look everything.

    I am still going though this and I have the stages where I feel amazing and I feel really good and then something happenes, like someone says something to me of I look in the mirror and I hate my self but when I talk to someone about it they say that is normal. But I don't think it is and I don't think that anyone should do it alone. If you need someone to talk to I have my usual contact details and I am happy to help.

    I would like to take this oppertunity to say sorry, my blog is not as good as what it usually is because I have been very very ill and am getting better but I am not quite there yet.